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Forward Immigration

Mentor Educational Alliance


Reliable RCIC at Your Service


发布时间 2015-01-21  


向风险资本投资移民基金做无保障投资至少200万加元,投资期为15年。风险基金会投资于加拿大本土的创新型高发展潜力的新兴行业。 在特定的时期内接收最多500宗申请进行抽签,名额为60个。




Immigrant Investor Venture Capital Pilot Program

If you are an international investor with the skills and abilities needed to integrate into Canadian society and contribute to our economy, you may be eligible to apply for permanent residence under the Immigrant Investor Venture Capital (IIVC) Pilot Program.

Selection Criteria

The IIVC Pilot Program will have four main selection criteria:

  • making a $2 million non-guaranteed investment in the immigrant investor venture capital fund for approximately 15 years;
  • having a legally obtained net worth of at least $10 million acquired through lawful, profit-making business or investment activities;
  • meeting or exceeding Canadian Language Benchmark 5 in English or Niveau de compétence linguistique canadien 5 in French for all four language abilities (speaking, listening, reading, and writing), as proven by the results of a designated language test; and
  • having completed a Canadian post-secondary credential of at least one year (or the foreign equivalent as validated by an Educational Credential Assessment).

The program will launch in late January 2015. In the meantime, you can determine whether you will be eligible to apply under this program by taking a designated language test and having your foreign education credential assessed by a designated organization.